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Новости за 13.04.2023

Regulatory Review Revisited


Biden's Executive Order on Modernizing Regulatory Review reaffirms the role of analysis & oversight, but for fewer rules.

Is Ramadan A Good Time To Visit Abu Dhabi?


There was a time when travelers were warned against visiting the Middle East during Ramadan, but with so many experiences happening during this period and the way a traveler can truly immerse themselves in Emirati culture during the holy month, the reality is just the opposite.

For Many Workers, Burnout Is Worse Than During The Pandemic


More American workers are experiencing burnout than at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nearly six out of 10 labor participants in the United States self-reported feeling at least moderate levels of burnout, according to a recent Aflac report on workplace trends and attitudes.

Social Security’s Horrendous Financial Abuse


From what we can tell, Social Security is sending clawback bills to tens of thousands of Americans for mistakes it made. Social Security’s policy is cruel and unusual.

5 Futurists To Watch In Uncertain Times


Futurists are valuable not only for their predictions, but for their analysis of current trends and their methods for deriving concrete implications from inherently uncertain environments.

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