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Новости за 13.07.2023

The Emmy’s Are A Joke


The 2023 Emmy's nominations reveal a cold hard truth about the premiere TV awards: They have almost nothing to do with the actual quality of the TV shows. It's all a big popularity contest and nothing more.

How To Get Paid What You’re Worth


The key to getting paid fairly is to know your worth and be comfortable asking for what you deserve. Here are some tips that can help you advocate on your behalf.

Disney Might Sell Off TV Assets Like ABC, CEO Bob Iger Says


Disney CEO Bob Iger did not rule out selling off some of the entertainment giant’s linear TV assets in an interview on CNBC Thursday, as the company struggles to transition from the traditional television model to streaming.

IRS Gives Tax Relief To Vermont Flood Victims


Victims of flooding in Vermont now have until November 15, 2023 to file individual and business tax returns and to pay any taxes that were originally due between July ...

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