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Новости за 30.07.2023

How Much Personal Sharing Is Too Much At Work


A strong network is a career advantage. These are various ways to nurture your network without having to disclose personal information you don’t want to share.

Two Coasts, Two Must-See Musicals


Whether you’re cooling off on the East or West coast this summer, you’ll want to take in one of the hottest shows now playing.

Why AI Needs Software Design Concepts for Successful Applications


Daniel Jackson is the associate director of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He has collaborated on software projects with several major organizations including NASA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Toyota.

Using Visual Noise, Not Human-Generated Labels, To Train AI


Antonio Torralba is a Delta Electronics Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. He spent postdoctoral training at the Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department and the Computer Science and AI Laboratory, MIT.

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