Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 03.09.2017

McGregor brain injury? (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Byrd's calculation to call a stoppage was likely not based on signs of fatigue, but rather signs of traumatic brain injury. Ataxia, or dizziness and loss of balance, is one of the hallmarks of concussion, a type of mild traumatic brain injury. Fatigue may cause sluggish and slow movements, but does not cause the imbalance and poor coordination exhibited by McGregor in the 10th round. Being wobbly, in the setting of pugilistic trauma, will always be treated as the result of head trauma and not as fatigue. Читать дальше...

Re: David Sullivan has met his match

Small Heath Alliance 

I always found it strange that Gollivan's 'love' of Blues suddenly seemed to wane once they realised that they weren't going to get a free stadium out of the City, then - hey presto, they sold us to a man of straw (their words) who was offering 3 times what the club was worth.
Next thing they turn up at another club and finally get the free stadium - and continue to put no real money in themselves and lie to the fans.
Vile pair of lying wide boys.

Re: BSH share price...

Small Heath Alliance 

1) As I've said ad nauseum, Ren Xuandong isn't putting the money in, he WORKS for the man putting the money in

2) Why do people assume that making the Premier League = huge profits? That's simply not true - most money clubs make from making the Premier League goes straight back out on transfer fees and wages

3) Paul Suen has already sold the club on, it's a done deal. The new guys have been slowly coming into place, much as TTA did while Ernst and Young's name were over the door. Читать дальше...

Re: David Sullivan has met his match

Small Heath Alliance 

David Gold is reported to be worth £350M. Enough to buy out David Sullivan IF he wanted to stay at Stans.

Re: Despite 14 in, and 15 out...

Small Heath Alliance 

137 games and four managers would suggest Grounds is nowhere near as bad as people would have you believe. People forever highlight how some winger has had him in knots and then totally ignore Vassell, a League 2 player, had the entire Bournemouth back four in knots. There are two sorts of Left backs, those who are really wingers, going back to the likes of Terry Cooper it's not new at all and those who are eventually going to move to centre back if they are good enough. Grounds is the latter and come day he leaves... Читать дальше...

Re: Despite 14 in, and 15 out...

Small Heath Alliance 

Grounds is ok, and has always been ok. Doesn't deserve to be treated like a disgrace, because he just isn't.

Re: Despite 14 in, and 15 out...

Small Heath Alliance 

Gleeson and Grounds are just not good enough.

Hopefully now will not be that close to the first team and only used in emergencies.

Re: Squid concerns

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes think he's same age as me so 50,hope alls well. I'll never forget that bandaged head at Euro 96 8-)

Re: Despite 14 in, and 15 out...

Small Heath Alliance 

This isn't aimed at you specifically dbbcfc, it's aimed at the thread in general - I'm just replying to the most recent post.

The transfer window has closed now, Gleeson and Grounds and the others are part of the BCFC squad that we all want to achieve promotion this season. They all have a role to play as part of the squad. Like all of us humans, if those around us and on the same side build us up we are more likely to do well than if those around us and on the same side pointlessly tear us down and focus on our weaknesses... Читать дальше...

Away top (5 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

So I go to buy the away top ready for my Spanish hols this month...young, slim, head full of hair ...They've completely run out of sized Medium.

Only L and XL.

Yeah that might be fine for a lot of you but for us slim types this is frustrating. When will get they get more stock in? Will they at all?

Re: Away top

Small Heath Alliance 

Could be worse,xxxl I am :D

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