Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 17.01.2019

Re: Transfer News Klaxon

Small Heath Alliance 

Bruce would have had a few irons in the fire. He was like a tape recording every window.

Re: Happy memories

Small Heath Alliance 

More like 12000, Des. They were Wembley regulars back then.

Transfer News Klaxon

Small Heath Alliance 

Garry Monk

"We are down the line with one particular target. We are in discussions and if that can be done we will be pleased with that"

Jack Storer Update

Small Heath Alliance 

Injured playing for Redditch United, and his dad is offering people out on Twitter

Baseball Caps and Binoculars

Small Heath Alliance 

Well it was only only 4 and a half days since a trip to the old smoke ended in Blues being disappointed by the result and surroundings of the somewhat pathetic sounding (in name and acoustics) London Stadium, and it had been the longest wed had to wait for football for what seemed like a year...


Re: Quiz question - answer unknown

Small Heath Alliance 


There was a question on the radio this afternoon - but i had to get out the car before hearing the answer

"Twice as many are sold in the UK than in Europe, and more are sold in Birmingham than anywhere else in the UK"

Anyone any ideas ??

(If it helps it was on Greatest Hits Radio)

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Quiz question - answer unknown

Small Heath Alliance 

There was a question on the radio this afternoon - but i had to get out the car before hearing the answer

"Twice as many are sold in the UK than in Europe, and more are sold in Birmingham than anywhere else in the UK"

Anyone any ideas ??

(If it helps it was on Greatest Hits Radio)

Re: Che ????

Small Heath Alliance 

They don't trust you Rab

Re: Che ????

Small Heath Alliance 

Rab C Nesbitt

June 2022


Happy memories

Small Heath Alliance 

There's only one Jon Gayle.

Re: Che

Small Heath Alliance 

I hope you don't have your top off

European Super League - Just let them play (9 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 


Man City again the instigators wanting evermore riches. I would love to see this happen, only to put it to bed once and for all. Barca, Real, Man City, PSG Bayern etc... they all want to be the world's biggest club. Can you imagine how frustrated clubs like Arsenal and Man Utd would get constantly losing to such powerful opposition, not to Man City's poor exploits against Champions League opposition.

Add to this the clubs' arrogance and greed and they... Читать дальше...

Re: European Super League - Just let them play

Small Heath Alliance 

The ironic thing is, if they were to use Champions League success as a criteria for admission into the Super League, then Man City wouldn't get anywhere close. The most successful teams in the Champions League this century have been:

Real Madrid
Atletico Madrid
Bayern Munich
Borussia Dortmund
Bayer Leverkeusen
Man Utd
AC Milan
Inter Milan

even Porto and Monaco have achieved more than Man City in Europe. Читать дальше...

Re: Che ????

Small Heath Alliance 


I'm not suggesting you're lying, but I simply do not believe your source is telling the truth.

It makes absolutely no sense at all.

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Re: Che ????

Small Heath Alliance 

I'm not suggesting you're lying, but I simply do not believe your source is telling the truth.

It makes absolutely no sense at all.

Re: Che ????

Small Heath Alliance 

When's his contract up?

Re: Che ????

Small Heath Alliance 



Tbf Leicester didn’t hold us at gunpoint did they? They came in with a price and we accepted.

That wasn't how it was was it?

From what I remember, his agent said he wouldn't sign a contract without a release clause...which Leicester conveniently met so we couldn't turn it down. This. 3.75m was the release clause. The bidding war would only have been for personal terms

Re: Cycling

Small Heath Alliance 

I've contemplated it before - the ones I've seen are usually just locked in the Kop car park against the railings

Re: Che ????

Small Heath Alliance 

And to think, this time last year he was preparing for a free transfer.

A effing free transfer

Forum Glitch? (10 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Every time I post a reply on a thread I get this message, but when checked the reply has actually been posted...????‍♂️

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