The New Republic
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Новости за 18.04.2024

Will New York’s Big Socialist Climate Policy Be Led by ... McKinsey?

The New Republic 

It’s been nearly a year since New York passed the Build Public Renewables Act via its annual budget, a rare attempt from the Empire State’s Democratic supermajority to make good on state climate goals first enshrined into law in 2019. The measure—pushed for by a coalition of climate justice and community groups called Public Power NY, helmed by the Democratic Socialists of America and several legislators they helped elect—mandates that the New York Power Authority, a state-owned power provider... Читать дальше...

The Feeling Is Mutual

The New Republic 

So is the road, the vehicle,
the painted line, the shoulder.
So are the clouds, the gaps between,
the labor below, the trenching, the depth
and what we worked and what
we found. So is the time it took
to strike bedrock, to step
on the shovel, dig the spade,
to forge the ditch, to lay the trough
so water will flow across the pasture.
So are the wildflowers, the clearing,
the copse, the wells. So are the bulls
lumbering over and bowing down.
So is the thirst that opens their throats.

The Long and Deadly War on Humanitarian Workers in Gaza

The New Republic 

On April 1, the Israeli military repeatedly struck a humanitarian relief convoy from World Central Kitchen, the beloved charity founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, killing seven foreign aid workers. The airstrike shocked the world, and accomplished what more than 30,000 Palestinian deaths apparently could not: President Joe Biden finally called up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and told him to stop killing so many civilians.

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Yes, Joe Biden Can Win the Working-Class Vote

The New Republic 

Last year, a team working for Navin Nayak, president of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the advocacy arm of the liberal nonprofit Center for American Progress, or CAP, reviewed a database containing every press release, tweet, and Facebook post from every House and Senate Democrat during the midterm election year of 2022. These added up to 570,000 individual communications. The goal was to quantify how frequently congressional Democrats addressed the economic concerns of working-class voters... Читать дальше...

How the Suburbs Became a Trap

The New Republic 

How do the suburbs feel? Does climbing the stairs of your split-level ranch amid other, similar homes and neighbors create comfort and hope, a feeling of possibility? Or does that home contain a quiet, persistent threat, a feeling of dread?

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Kari Lake’s Vile New Threat of “Glock” Violence Exposes MAGA’s Lunacy

The New Republic 

Kari Lake, a die-hard MAGA Republican who’s running for Senate in Arizona, told a rally this week that it’s time for supporters of her and Donald Trump to “put on the armor of God and maybe strap on a Glock just in case.” There you have it: God and Glock, side by side. We talked to Elizabeth Neumann, a Homeland Security counterterrorism official during Trump’s presidency and author of a new book about Christian extremism, about how MAGA rhetoric normalizes political violence.

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