The New Republic
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Новости за 25.04.2024

The Grotesque Slander of Comparing Gaza Protesters to Neo-Nazis

The New Republic 

This week, coverage of the campus protests and solidarity encampments at Columbia University reached a fever pitch. They have attracted statements from the White House and Israeli government officials condemning their existence. This animosity, in turn, has inspired similar protests at universities across America. Some politicians, like Senator John Fetterman, have invoked the 2017 Unite the Right rally of virulent white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, as a cheap means to characterize today’s protests as dangerous and antisemitic.

The Supreme Court Might Put Trump Above the Law

The New Republic 

Thursday’s oral argument in United States v. Trump might have been the most surreal session ever held in the Supreme Court’s 235-year history. At issue was whether past, present, and future presidents can commit crimes and get away with them. A majority of the justices appeared ready to give their assent.

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Southern Autoworkers Call B.S. on Republican Anti-Union Agitprop

The New Republic 

The UAW’s successful unionization effort last week at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee—the first successful unionization effort at a car factory in the South since the 1940s—is breaking the brains of Republicans in that region. They’re truly astonished that workers might not trust their corporate overlords with their working conditions, pay, health, and retirement.

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This 1873 Law Could Be Used to Ban Abortion. Why Not Repeal It?

The New Republic 

Conservative groups believe the United States already has a national abortion ban on the books, just waiting to be enforced: It’s the Comstock Act of 1873, a long-ignored law, largely considered a dead letter. Emboldened by the chaotic, rightward turn in the federal courts and enabled by the overturning of Roe v. Wade, they’ve managed to get their claim that the Comstock Act is enforceable in front of the Supreme Court, where two justices gave these claims credibility. But anti-abortion groups... Читать дальше...

What the Hell is Elon Musk Talking About?

The New Republic 

Elon Musk is prone to strange asides in all aspects of his life, but Tesla’s quarterly earnings call earlier this week found him in rare form: Speaking to investors, the CEO droned on about everything from alien abductions to the Irish Republican Army, and seemed to signal his intent to appropriate self-driving cars’ onboard computers to turn a profit for the company when not being used. His ramblings are a little more understandable in context: After a Cybertruck recall and news the carmaker would lay off 10 percent of its staff worldwide... Читать дальше...

Biden Just Saved the 40-Hour Work Week

The New Republic 

April 23 marked a defining moment for the Biden administration, a watershed of multiple significant actions to protect the interests of working people. We know, from Michael D. Shear of The New York Times, among others, that Biden has been on a tear lately “to try to shore up his support among key constituencies” with regulatory actions. But it’s not clear whether the convergence, on a single day, of these specific policy announcements—most but not all of them from the Labor Department—was planned or merely coincidental. Читать дальше...

Ron DeSantis Just Invited the Wrath of the Satanic Temple

The New Republic 

It’s no big deal, he said.

When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last week signed a bill allowing religious chaplains into public schools, he insisted he was only returning public schools to their “original intent.” “It used to be, I mean, when education in the United States first started, every school was a religious school. That was just part of it. Public schools were religious schools,” he claimed. “I think what we’re doing is restoring the sense of purpose that our Founding Fathers wanted to see in education.”

In reality... Читать дальше...

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