
Новости за 22.02.2018

Li Yan: Referees' decision needs to be consistent for everyone and every race 

China has appealed after getting disqualified in short track speed skating women's 3,000m relay final at the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games, said the coach of the Chinese team on Tuesday. After China's short track speed skating head coach Li Yan appealed to ISU technique committee, Li told CGTN what the appeal was about.

Truck Runs Over Scooter Driver- Plus a Reaction 

I didn't alter any of this, this video is the result of the dash cam owner recording the image off of his dash cam of an accident he had just caught with his phone. His reaction watching it is classic LiveLeak.

Watch - Ukraine's Broken Roads to Europe - (Shhh... Forget Roads - Build Cruise Missiles!) 

- Come take a one (1) minute drive with me and a German film crew. Can you take it? Are you brave enough to take it? The famous M15 Highway. Bribes, no weight controls... $800 million for roads - had been Budgeted. About 20% was "misallocated" according to Volodymyr Omelyan, the post Maidan infrastructure minister. In a recent interview with a Ukrainian newspaper, he claimed it would take 100 years to properly fix all the country's road with the money at his "disposal." -

A Memorial for the Victims of the Assad Regime 

Mansour Omari, a Syrian human rights activist who was imprisoned for nine months and tortured by the Assad regime, smuggled out scraps of cloth recording the names of all 82 of his cellmates. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is exhibiting them to raise awareness of atrocities committed by the regime. This is Mansour's story

Космический рок-н-ролл

Блог сайта «Настроение ТВ» 

Одним из самых громких научных событий последнего времени стал запуск сверхтяжёлой ракеты-носителя предпринимателя Илона Маска с его личным электромобилем на борту. За рулём суперкара с надписью "без паники" на панели оказался манекен космонавта по имени Стармен, слушающий Дэвида Боуи.

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Number One With a Bullet 

Because of the current affairs and the idiocy of the liberals, it's time to revisit one of Bill Whittle's best videos about gun control and "assault rifles", debunking ALL of the liberal left talking points.

Blue Wave Coming? Democrat Upsets Trump District In HISTORIC Swing 

"Early Tuesday evening, Democrat Linda Belcher was pronounced the winner of the special election in Kentucky's House District 49, a seat that Donald Trump carried by a 72-23 margin in 2016 and that went 66-33 for Mitt Romney in 2012. Her 68-32 victory represents a ridiculous 45-point improvement on Hillary Clinton's performance. In fuller context, it's a little less ridiculous than that. Belcher had previously represented this district in the state legislature, lost a very narrow 50.4-49.6 race in 2016; then the man who defeated her... Читать дальше...

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