
Новости за 28.02.2018

Italy: Pro-migrant billboards appeal to Italian voters ahead of elections 

Photographer and artist Gianluca Vassallo attached pro-migrants billboards around Bologna on Tuesday, five days ahead of general elections in Italy. The project is called 'Vote for Me' and Vassallo realised it in collaboration with Cheap, an independent organisation that promotes street-art as an instrument to redefine the cities. Commenting on the prevalent anti-immigrant rhetoric ahead of the elections, a local said: "Unfortunately this fear of immigration is spreading in Italy. So a big chunk... Читать дальше...

Panic buying 'toilet paper frenzy' in Taiwan 

Fears of a sharp rise in the price of toilet paper have prompted panic buying in Taiwan. People are stocking up to make sure they are not caught short. Shelves usually stacked with the product stand empty. One customer said that she had visited two or three stores in her hunt for toilet paper. Taiwan's Department of Consumer Protection urged customers not to worry, and assured them that the price of toilet paper until the middle of March will not change, as prices in their catalogues have already been printed. Читать дальше...

At least 10 killed in passenger train collision in Egypt, says health ministry 

At least 10 people were killed and 15 others were injured when two trains collided in northern Egypt, according to the health ministry. The collision, which occurred in Behaira province on Wednesday afternoon, involved a freight train and a passenger train. The cause of the collision was not immediately known.

UN report says Pyongyang provided materials for chemical weapons in Syria 

The United Nations says it unaware of the details of a leaked report that links North Korea to chemical weapon use in Syria. The New York Times says Pyongyang shipped materials to Damascus that could have been used for both military and civilian purposes. In response, the UN Secretary General's spokesman said all countries have a duty to follow rules against the development and use of chemical weapons. "We do not have the report. I don't know about its publication date if any. I think the... Читать дальше...

India: Holi ashes! Mashaan Holi celebrations drench Varanasi in colour 

Revellers threw human ashes mixed with lively colours over each other as part of a cremation ceremony during traditional Holi festivities in Varanasi, in the northern Indian province of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday. Attendees of the Holi celebrations sang and danced at Dashashwamedha Ghat temple on the Ganges River, flinging ashes up in the air to pay their respects to the dead and their families. The city is well known for its celebrations of life and death and is known as the holiest of the seven sacred cities in Hinduism... Читать дальше...

Egypt: At least 15 killed in train collision in Beheira province 

A train collision in northern Egypt's Beheira province killed at least 15 people on Wednesday, the Egyptian Health Ministry said. A freight train and a passenger train collided in Kom Hamada, Beheira province, leaving at least 15 dead and another 40 injured, the Ministry said in a statement. According to eyewitnesses two passenger carriages separated and collided with the cargo train. The Health Ministry said rescue workers and 30 ambulances were working on the scene. Health Ministry... Читать дальше...

Taxi driver hits the client 

Music was added by TRT, not me

"Спрыснула дедушку": Собчак объяснила конфликт с Жириновским

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Ксения Собчак находится под ярким впечатлением от конфликта, который произошел между ней и Владимиром Жириновским во время дебатов на канале "Россия 1". Своими впечатлениями кандидат в президенты поделилась в инстаграме.

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Libtard Cuck Justin Trudeau Truly Embodies Everything That's Wrong With Western Society 

What a complete embarrassment this 3rd world pandering fake arrogant entitled loser is! Remember, this was Canadian millennials "savior/hero" they voted for in droves! - always mash this in their faces for life, just like we will smash obunghole voters for life! What a joke liberals are! Enemies! Life's just a big game for libtards, like religious people, they live for a fairytale ending that's never going to happen! FAIL! Thanks.

Turkish Regime rejects U.S., French calls for Afrin ceasefire in Syria 

Turkey forcefully rejected on Wednesday Western calls to suspend its invasion in northwest Syria, saying the United States misunderstood the extent of a U.N. ceasefire resolution and accusing France of giving "false information" on the issue.

Frosty reception for EU's draft Brexit legal text 

The EU's draft Brexit legal text got a frosty reception at Westminster Theresa May was scathing. Under the text, the European Union could maintain much of its sway in Northern Ireland after Britain leaves the bloc - with the option of a common regulatory area with the Irish Republic. For the Prime Minister, that is unacceptable. "The draft legal text that the Commission has published, if implemented, would undermine the UK common market and threatens the constitutional integrity of the UK... Читать дальше...

The "beast from the east" grips Europe 

Much of Britain and Ireland was blanketed in snow on Wednesday as freezing Siberian weather dubbed "the Beast from the East", disrupted the travel plans of thousands. Hundreds of schools were closed and there were delays on roads, railways and at airports. Temperatures fell to minus 12 Celsius (10 degrees Farenheit) in some rural areas while Britain's weather service warned of up to 40 cm of snow in higher areas of Scotland. "It is the coldest air we have seen over the UK at this time of the year since around 1991," Becky Mitchell... Читать дальше...

New Kraken 9mm Supressor 

This supressor has a shielded baffle stack comprised of 7075 T6 Aluminum that has been Type III Hard Anodized to Military Specifications. Versatile light, quiet, and strong, this handgun silencer has easy to remove baffles for quick user serviceability. The Kraken has the most piston engagement points in the industry to facilitate point of impact changes in reference to the specific host. This is the quietest 9mm handgun suppressor currently available. We have partnered with our amazing industry... Читать дальше...

This dog loves dancing 

A dog tied to a door obviously got bored and stood on its two hind legs and started dancing. The video was shot in Fuzhou City in southern China's Fujian Province on February 13.

Shark charges at cameraman during scuba dive 

A scuba diver swimming off the south coast of Durban has shared video of the moment a shark came directly for him at full charge. Elton Polly, 38, filmed the incident with the Oceanic black tip shark last week (February 24) on a GoPro camera while on a baited scuba dive. The force of the shark knocked the mask off Polly's head, but he was uninjured. He explains: "These type of dives take place daily in that area. The shark was startled and in an attempt to get away, it charged right into the diver's head... Читать дальше...

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