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Новости за 18.03.2018

Klunker Be Gone. Driver Be Dead.


Bobbing and weaving on a Roosky road can be hazardous for your health. The hooptie now has a similar dent on the passenger side.

Busted: DOJ Redacted Strzok-Page Text Messages on Meeting with Friendly FISA Court Judge at Cocktail Party: IG Investigation Reveals. tic toc


Chairman Goodlatte says the FBI and DOJ redacted the text messages from Peter Strzok to his lover Lisa Page about how they were colluding with Judge Contreras on the FISA Court. The redacted text message from the DOJ to Congressional investigators was not about national security but about Strzok meeting with a FISA Court judge at a cocktail party. Goodlatte also said the Sessions DOJ is stonewalling Congress just like the Obama DOJ stonewalled Congress. That is outrageous! Lock Them Up! #Obamagate... Читать дальше...

"Big Sigh of Relief" At FBI After McCabe Was Fired, Says Former Asst. FBI Director: "Brennan and Obama were Committing Felonies, Not General Flynn".


Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures that there was a "big sigh of relief" after Andrew McCabe was fired on Friday. {{file|t=9F5BY_1521400368}} Kallstrom went on to tell Maria Bartiromo that John Brennan and Barack Obama were the ones who committed the felonies and not General Flynn

Выборы президента: как голосовали в России и мире

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

На Камчатке, которая проголосовала самой первой, избирательные участки расположились в лесу, чтоб участники традиционной гонки на собачьих упряжках смогли сделать свой выбор прямо на маршруте заезда.

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Fight Amidst Protests Outside DC Russian Embassy During Election


{{embed|t=kNdGx_1521399855}} A brief fight occurred outside Russian Embassy as elections took place inside. Secret Service promptly arrived at the scene and determined that both sides committed crimes in the fight. The participants were told that if either side wanted to press charges, all would be arrested. Everyone declined to press charges and was let go. About a dozen protesters used chants like "arrest Putin now!" No other violence occurred. {{embed|t=aLhVU_1521399816}}

Migrants stranded in Greece march against racism


Thousands of protesters, many of them migrants stranded in Greece, took to the streets of Athens to march against racism. The protesters chanted "open the borders" and marched and waved handmade placards. It's after sixteen migrants drowned at the weekend in the Aegean Sea, 5 of whom were children. Children's faces were painted with black lines to symbolise the razor wired fences erected in Europe in 2015. Chloe is Canadian and a volunteer helping with the migrants and a protestor and she said... Читать дальше...

"Don't Fu** about with me", shouts irate wife as she slaps her bald husband silly


This long married couple had a disagreement in the city center and the wife decided to slap the shit out of her weak, pathetic, cowardly husband. No dinner for him tonight by the looks of things. When he gets home she will tell him that his dinner "is in the cat" - meaning she fed the cat his dinner because she was so angry with him. Sigh...such is the life of long married couples in the UK. Doesn't anyone in the UK speak the Queen's English anymore?

Hell on earth in besieged Eastern Ghouta


White Phosphorous and incendiary bombs used against civilians! {{file|t=unkJt_1521398799}} A regime-paid fake news website called Al Masdar news has made disgusting lies about FSA, using a out of context to demonize Syrian rebels. A Syrian boy was kidnapped and tortured by a regime-friendly criminal gang in Daraa, asking 1 million from his family to release him. The criminals keep torturing the boy to make them pay. There was zero help from the Assad regime, only FSA managed to rescue him. Читать дальше...

Parent Pulls Switchblade During PTA Meeting


In order to prove and make a point as to how vulnerable school students are, a parent went to the extreme and pulled a knife on a student to see what he would do. It isn't always a gun. Our children need protection. Of course, the liberals don't like to see this kind of thing.

Dr. Assad shows up in East Ghouta frontlines (Video)


Syrian President Dr. Bashar Assad paid a daring and unexpected visit to one of the recently-liberated Eastern Ghouta towns. shows Dr. Assad amid a group of the soldiers who are battling against Islamist militants in the area. Nearly a month ago, the SAA forces launched an onslaught against the jihadists of East Ghouta. Ever since, up to 80% of the longtime jihadi-held enclave.

Круче всех 2 сезон 2 выпуск 18.03.2018 Интер


Круче всех 2 сезон 2 серия 18.03.2018 последний выпуск. Сегодня покорять телезрителей своим энтузиазмом и целеустремленностью, интеллектом и невероятным талантом будут семь чудо-детей: 4-летний

Кто кому Рабинович. Выпуск 18.03.2018 112 Украина


Кто кому Рабинович 18.03.2018 последний выпуск. Раскрыть все операции Приватбанка с финансами, полученными от других лиц. К этому Высокий суд Лондона обязал структуры, связанные с бывшими собственниками банка Коломойским и Боголюбовым. Решение касается трех компаний, которые получили от 46 различных украинских структур почти 2 миллиарда долларов. Как утверждается в исковом заявлении Приватбанка, эти деньги перечисляли на основании подложных кредитных соглашений.

Гордон. Гость Станислав Белковский. Выпуск 18.03.2018 112 Украина


Программа Гордон. Станислав Белковский, российский политолог 18.03.2018 последний выпуск. Вступление Украины в Евросоюз – вопрос нескольких лет, а не десятилетий. Об этом Пётр Порошенко заявил в интервью немецким журналистам. Порошенко обещает утвердить курс на НАТО, а потом и на членство в ЕС. Для этого Киев будет продолжать реформы и борьбу с коррупцией. В частности, планируется создать Антикоррупционный суд. Благодаря борьбе со взяточничеством – Украина стала более привлекательной для западных инвесторов, считает Президент.

Следствие вели с Леонидом Каневским. Идеальное убийство 18.03.2018 НТВ


Следствие вели с Леонидом Каневским. Идеальное убийство 18.03.2018 последний выпуск. Дело было в Ижевске в 1969 году. Жители города случайно обнаружили части женского тела. Выясняют: работница местной станции

Car rams into revellers in Gravesend nightclub


Dozens of people have been injured after a car crashed into a nightclub in south east England. Witnesses claim the driver twice rammed the gate before ploughing into a marquee in the Kent town of Gravesend. The driver is believed to have been asked to leave Blake's nightclub earlier that evening following an altercation. Police say a 21-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

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