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Новости за 27.03.2018

Turbulent Landings at Madeira Airport in Portugal


As Storm David and Storm Hugo approached the coast of Madeira, Portugal, Samuel took to Madeira Airport to witness the jaw-dropping, turbulent landings.The extreme weather conditions resulted in some frightening and stomach-churning airplane landings that he managed to capture on camera. Credit: aviationchannel2010 via Storyful

«Списки уже разнятся на 6-8 человек»: как прошло опознание погибших при пожаре в Кемерове

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Член регионального штаба Общероссийского народного фронта в Кемерово Максим Учватов вышел только что из штаба, где родственники и близкие погибших и пострадавших. На встрече с ними (порядка 100-150 человек) был глава областного МЧС Александр Мамонтов.

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Tonnes of plastic waste cover river in southern Mexico


Shocking scenes of vast quantities of plastic waste floating along a river in Mexico's southern Chiapas state. According to , the source of the trash -mostly plastic, discarded wood and construction waste- are neighbourhoods nearby the river. The clip was filmed in October 2017 in Sumidero Canyon national park.

«Надеюсь, это все не превратится в оппозиционную акцию»: почему нужно идти на митинги скорби по Кемерово в Москве и Петербурге. Объясняют организаторы Елизавета Сурганова и Николай Солодовников

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

27 марта в нескольких городах страны пройдут акции памяти жертв, погибших в пожаре в Кемерово. В 19.00 люди соберутся в Москве на Пушкинской площади, в это же время пройдет мероприятие и на Марсовом поле в Санкт-Петербурге. Организаторы акций в Москве и в Санкт-Петербурге Елизавета Сурганова, главред портала«Кинопоиск», и Николай Солодников, основатель «Открытой библиотеки», рассказали о планирующихся акциях.

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Vladimir Putin visits scene of Siberian shopping mall fire


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday visited the scene of a fire in a Siberian shopping mall that killed at least 64 people, 41 one of them children on Sunday. He laid flowers at a makeshift memorial to the victims of the fire and later met with Kemerovo regional officials. Putin hit out at "criminal negligence" which he said was to blame for the high death toll. "What's happening here? This isn't war, it's not a spontaneous methane outburst. People came to relax, children," he said. ... Читать дальше...



Mark Dice shows a where Larry Sinclair describes in intimate detail Obama (aka Bath House Barry the terror of Chicago's sauna rooms) scoring cocaine and engaging in gay sex and crack cocaine.




Lebron James Anti-2A Supporter Shooting Machine Guns


NBA Star Lebron James, Anti-Second Amendment supporter offers his support for the #Marchforourlives movement. However, he loves him some range time firing fully automatic machine guns. I guess he seized the moment of protest to gain some attention. We all know this guy is full of shit. {{file|t=aPYfI_1522154790}} {{embed|t=bpAU_1522154856}} {{embed|t=l2A9_1522154896}} {{embed|t=s57A1_1522154953}} {{file|t=axBb3_1522155030}}

Terrorism risk remains high - Frontex


http://bit.ly/2I7EK5M | Fabrice Leggeri, the Executive Director of EU border agency Frontex, said Tuesday that the state of alert about potential terrorist attacks remains high. "(The terrorism threat) remains high and we must be certain that there are no frontier crossings to the EU that are not intercepted, as this would be to the detriment of European security," Leggeri told the European Parliament as he reported on the Themis operation. He said Frontex aircraft had detected un-intercepted migrant flows from Algeria and Tunisia... Читать дальше...



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Relatives of Siberia shopping centre fire demand answers from officials


Thousands rallied in Siberia's Kemerovo yesterday to demand an investigation into a massive fire that killed more than 60 people, many of them children. Among the relatives gathered outside the city hall yesterday was grandmother Lyudmila, who lost her two grandchildren aged eight and 10. Their other grandmother on their maternal side also died in the blaze. She said: "It's hard to get through it. Everyone lies. We've been there for a whole night. We didn't leave. "There're still a lot of unidentified people out there. Читать дальше...

Teenager fires shotgun and gets kick back in the face


This teenager wanted to try firing one of his friend's hunting shotguns, and underestimated the recoil of the 12 gauge weapon, getting knocked in the face and dropping the gun. The teen had never fired a gun before, but had wanted to try on hearing about his friend's hunting enthusiasm. This took place in Waldorf near Washington DC, on 22 December 2006.

Во время раскопок в центре Москвы нашли 140 артефактов

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Около 140 артефактов обнаружили московские археологи во время раскопок на Космодамианской набережной - на месте, где ранее была Садовническая слобода и стояла церковь Косьмы и Дамиана, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Rugby League In The Snow


Wakefield vs Widnes. Nobody can see a bloody thing! 18th March

СКР заявил о пропаже 67 человек при пожаре в ТЦ в Кемерове

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Согласно заявлениям родственников, пропавшими в результате пожара в кемеровском торговом центре "Зимняя вишня" числятся 67 человек. Об этом заявила официальный представитель Следственного комитета России Светлана Петренко, передает TVC.ru.

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«Такого количества проверок нет нигде в мире»: кто должен нести ответственность за трагедию в Кемерове. Объясняет вице-президент «Опоры России» Марина Блудян

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Торговый центр «Зимняя вишня» на 23 тысячи квадратных метров оказался малым бизнесом — к нему не может прийти проверка. Такой же статус у 90% торговых центров в России. Надзорные каникулы для малого бизнеса действуют в России с 1 января 2016 года и истекают 31 декабря 2018. На это время малый бизнес освобожден от всех плановых проверок, кроме налоговых. Пожарные могут проверить его только по жалобе граждан. Марина Блудян, вице-президент организации«Опора России», рассказала о том, как вышло, что бизнес освобожден от плановых проверок. Читать дальше...

UK's claims questioned: doubts voiced about source of Salisbury novichok


https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/mar/15/uks-claims-questioned-doubts-emerge-about-source-of-salisburys-novichok?__twitter_impression=true {{file|t=70U7_1522152575}} It was a historic moment largely ignored at the time by most of the world's media and might have remained so but for the attack in Salisbury. At a ceremony last November at the headquarters of the world body responsible for the elimination of chemical weapons in The Hague, a plaque was unveiled to commemorate the destruction of the last of Russia's stockpiles. Читать дальше...

Vatican Treasurer's lawyer says case prejudiced by book


The author of a book on Vatican Treasurer George Pell has denied its publication before sexual offence charges against the senior cleric prejudiced his case. Release of the book by author Louise Milligan, a journalist with Australian Broadcasting Corp, just two months before charges were laid against Pell last year for historical sexual offences may have prejudiced his case, a court heard on Tuesday. Entering the final week of hearings to decide whether the Australian cardinal will face trial... Читать дальше...

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