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Новости за 27.03.2018

Protest in Siberian city of Kemerovo after shopping centre fire.


Hundreds of people protested against Russian officials in the Siberian city of Kemerova after the fire on Sunday that killed 64 people. Over 40 of the victims were children. Investigators have revealed that the fire alarms were switched off and that some exits were blocked. Sergei Agarkov lost two children in the blaze. "They (officials) wrote that they lead out 200 people (from the burning building). Who are those 200? They are those 200 who came out themselves, and others were suffocating on the third and fourth floors... Читать дальше...

Chef wins national first for Hungary


Hungary has got its first ever two star Michelin Restaurant. The announcement was made in Budapest at the launch of this year's edition of the Michelin "Main Cities of Europe Guide". Just one star can make a restaurant's reputation... so getting a second left Onyx Chef Adam Horvath lost for words. "To receive a second star, it is inconceivable right now," he said "I need a couple of days to understand that what I've worked for, what we, the team has worked for, has brought its fruit. This... Читать дальше...

Зрители "ТВ Центра" собрали почти 3 млн рублей на лечение Димы Никитина

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Зрители "ТВ Центра" собрали почти 3 миллиона рублей на лечение Димы Никитина. У мальчика - опасный диагноз: лимфома. Диме срочно необходим дорогостоящий препарат, который стоит свыше миллиона рублей. Таких средств у родителей ребёнка нет. Поскольку удалось собрать больше денег, чем требовалось, фонд "Подари жизнь" сможет помочь и другим детям.

«Нельзя валить все в одну кучу»: сенатор Кондратьев о том, почему о кемеровской трагедии не говорили на круглом столе с МЧС и МВД

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В Совете Федерации прошёл круглый стол «о нормативно правовом регулировании деятельности экстренных оперативных служб» на базе комитета по обороне и безопасности с участием МЧС и МВД. Обсуждали некий законопроект о внедрении единой системы 112 на всей территории России, технические моменты, а про Кемерово — ни слова. О чем говорили в Совете Федерации на фоне трагедии в Кемерово, рассказал зампред комитета Совета Федерации по обороне и безопасности Алексей Кондратьев. 

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Special Kosovo Police Unit //Arresting Serbian (pro-Russian) Nationalist and Separatist (Spectacular action)


Kosovo police took action in northern Mitrovica, based on the decisions of the MUP, which has rejected the entry of some Serbian personalities. It is about Vulin and Djuric, and Kosovo Police realized that the latter was in Kosovo, at a location where a rally would be held with the citizens. Kosovo Police has taken its actions to enforce the decision of the state authorities of Kosovo and at the entrance to the site has encountered active resistance, but despite this great resistance, the police... Читать дальше...

#НеТолькоВКемерово: художница Катрин Ненашева призвала бойкотировать ТЦ, нарушающие пожарную безопасность

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В Кемерово уже несколько часов идет массовый митинг, на который люди собрались после пожара в торговом центре «Зимняя вишня», в котором погибли 64 человека. Тысячи горожан вышли на площадь Советов, на которой расположена областная администрация. Люди требуют назвать точно число жертв и наказать всех виновных. Активистка и художница Катрин Ненашева рассказала об инициативе бойкота торговых центров.

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Firefighters rescue woman trapped in mud


Firefighters rescued a woman trapped in mud in eastern China using ropes and a digger. The , captured in Anqing City in Anhui Province on March 24, shows two firemen tied to ropes climbing onto a ladder and lying flat on the wetland to approach the woman. Then they tie a rope around the woman and use a digger to transport her to the safety area. According to local , the woman walked into the wetland accidentally at night and got stuck. She was not seriously injured.

Time-lapse footage shows Northern Lights sunset in Canada


Incredible time-lapse footage shows how the Aurora Borealis develop in the sky once the sun sets. The phenomenon, also know as the Northern Lights, is filmed from Manitoba, Canada. The lights can be seen for almost 300 days a year in the province. Aurora Borealis is caused when electricity-charged particles from the sun collide with gasses in the earth's atmosphere. The resulting lights can be seen closer to the earth's poles.

Paris police say murder of a Jewish woman in Paris was a hate crime


Police in France are treating the killing of a Jewish woman as a hate crime. The partially burned body of 85-year-old Mireille Knoll was found three days ago in here apartment in the eleventh arrondissement of Paris. She had been stabbed eleven times. In 1942 the victim had narrowly escaped the Nazi-organised round-up of Jews in the French capital. A murder investagation resulted in the arrest of two people on Tuesday morning on charges of anti-Semitic homicide . "It is a thing of horror and consternation to note in 2018... Читать дальше...

Москвичам рекомендовали отказаться от поездок на личных автомобилях

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Москвичам рекомендовали отказаться от поездок на личных автомобилях из-за снегопада. Об этом сообщил ТАСС со ссылкой на пресс-службу Центра организации дорожного движения. 

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«Когда я сказала, что там 64 человека, против нас началась агрессия»: жители Кемерова о визите в местный морг

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Тысячи жителей Кемерова вышли на стихийный митинг около администрации Кемеровской области. Люди требуют озвучить настоящие цифры погибших при пожаре в ТЦ «Зимняя вишня», также звучат требования отправить в отставку руководство области и президента. Жительница Кемерово Валентина Горбачева, которая участвовала в стихийном митинге, а также Денис Шевченко, член инициативной группы в Кемерове, рассказали о визите президента в морг.

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Extremely Cute Frenchies Just Chilling in a Fridge


These extremely cute french bulldogs know where the ultimate chill-out is… the fridge!In order to cool down the smart pooches shuffled into the fridge and were happy to just sit there and ‘chill’. Now that’s clever trick. Credit: LIN SHIH CHENG via Storyful

Huge blaze destroys 20 homes in Philippines


Fire hit a residential area in Barangay Obrero, Quezon City, Philippines affecting least 40 families last week (March 21). According to City Firemarshall Sr. Supt. Manuel Manuel, the fire started on the second floor of the house belonging to Aling Toyang. The blaze started at 5pm and it took crews an hour to get it under control.

Emotional video shows proud families reaction as son gains medical scholarship


By Ben Walley An emotional video captured the moment an inspiring medical student announced his lb85,000 scholarship to his mum and grandmother. Devor Johnson, 18, from Augusta, Georgia, records his mother Nisharro Thomas, 40, as she reads his acceptance letter into Morehouse College, a traditional men's liberal arts college, to study Biology. His grandmother, Sharon [...] Credit: CatersNews

Giant drones used to clean and de-ice huge wind turbines


By Jack Williams This intelligent invention looks to have discovered a whole new use for drones, using giant versions of the flying crafts to clean and de-ice giant WIND TURBINES. Turbines can lose anywhere between one and 20 percent of their efficiency because of dirt buildup, and due to the large costs involved, many owners [...] Credit: CatersNews

Matthew 16 Bible about Jesus Christ : The Pharisees and Sadducees Seek a Sign [7:18]


The Pharisees and Sadducees Seek a Sign 1 Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven. 2 He answered and said to them, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red'; 3 and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites![a] You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. 4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign... Читать дальше...

Israeli Soldiers Attack Palestinian Christians during Palm Sunday Procession


March 26, 2018 - Utterly disgraceful!! Israeli police officers just attacked Palestinian Christians during Palm Sunday sermon in occupied #Jerusalem! The army also banned marching Palestinian Christians from carrying the Palestinian flag, and attacked those who tried to raise it. However, several people from European countries were allowed to carry their countries' flags.

Watch: gruesome moment slipper is removed from stomach of wild python


By Tui Benjamin Vets were forced to remove a slipper from the stomach of a huge wild python after the snake swallowed the footwear whole. Unbelievable footage from Queensland, Australia, shows Dr Josh Llinas carefully prising the reptile's belly apart before pulling the men's slipper free with his hands. The poorly python was brought into [...] Credit: CatersNews

Jaw-dropping footage shows kayaker plunge 25 metres down huge waterfall in first time dangerous stunt has ever been attempted


By Tui Benjamin Jaw-dropping footage shows a kayaker plunge 25 metres down a huge waterfall in the first time the dangerous stunt had ever been attempted. Lachie Carracher waited eight years to take on Dangar Falls near Dorrigo, New South Wales, Australia, because the conditions are only right for four hours every 12 months. Unbelievable [...] Credit: CatersNews

Pucker up: Giraffe gives tourist messy kiss as he plucks pellets from between his lips


By Charlotte Regen This is the hilarious moment a lucky tourist gets a messy kiss from a giraffe as he plucks pellets from between his lips. While visiting the Nairobi Giraffe Centre during a holiday in Kenya, Iain Williams was met with a lip smacking welcome. Holding some food pellets in his mouth, the Surrey [...] Credit: CatersNews

Watch: hysterical pensioner's sidepslitting reaction to first ever fish spa treatment


By Nelson Groom This sidesplitting footage shows the moment a nervous pensioner took the plunge with a fish spa for the first time - only to crumble into a fit of hysteria. Fish spas have shot to popularity as an alternative beauty treatment which involve tiny Garra Rufa fish nibbling on feet to remove the [...] Credit: CatersNews

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