
Новости за 27.03.2018

Meet the man who's 'immune' to venom: Crazy scientist subjects himself to four bites from deadly black mamba snake in bid to develop life-saving vacci 

By Luke Kenton This scientist claims to be 'immune from venom', and proves his assertion by subjecting himself to four bites from the world's deadliest snake, the Black mamba, in bid to help develop life-saving vaccines. Widely renown as the 'world's deadliest snake', a single bite from a sub-Saharan Black mamba could result in a [...] Credit: CatersNews

" By the way, very nice bike " Police officer let's motorbike rider know he's a safe driver before bellowing out praise for the vehicle 

By Curtis Mitchell A police officer let a motorbike rider know he was a very safe driver before bellowing out praise for his vehicle on a freeway. As David Macdonald rode through Culver City and El Segundo, California on March 16, on his Ducati Monster 796, he experienced a traffic stop with a difference. Waiting [...] Credit: CatersNews

Canadian rescues abandoned puppy with head stuck in crisp packet 

This is the moment a man rescues an abandoned puppy with its head stuck in a crisp packet. The footage, captured on March 26 in southern Manitoba, shows the struggling puppy roaming around a snowy field. The man can be heard calling for the dog, which eventually approaches and allows the man to gently remove the plastic bag from its head.

Couple harassed and robbed on the Lisbon's subway. 

Two scumbags humiliate a young couple, while trying to steal from them. They eventually manage to grab the dude's coat, which contained his wallet. I wish I could say I was surprised nobody reacted in their defense but I'm not. However this sort of event is still rather uncommon here.

Сериал Шуберт

DokFilms (Документальные фильмы онлайн) 

Однажды трагическая ошибка помешала ему стать полноправным сотрудником антитеррористического отдела. Теперь же другие трагические обстоятельства снова приводят его в спецслужбу. У Бертенёва убивают жену, потом переворачивают вверх дном его квартиру. А потом Шуберт выясняет, что у Ольги, которую он считал обычным психологом, была еще и тайная и опасная вторая жизнь. Кто и за что ее убили? Это главная загадка, которую разгадывает наш герой с помощью оставленных Ольгой звуковых шифров.

Самые шокирующие гипотезы Абырвалг 2018

DokFilms (Документальные фильмы онлайн) 

последние несколько лет концерты мертвецов проходят по всему миру. Посмотрите на это шокирующее видео. В Лас-Вегасе перед зрителями выступает Майкл Джексон, в Лос-Анджелесе концерт Уитни Хьюстон, а на площади в Питере поёт Виктор Цой. Все эти люди давно мертвы, но это не мешает сотням тысячам зрителем собственными глазами наблюдать их на сцене.

Кемеровский вице-губернатор на коленях попросил прощения

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

На митинге в связи с пожаром в ТЦ "Зимняя вишня" вице-губернатор Кемеровской области Сергей Цивилев на коленях попросил прощения у собравшихся. Об этом сообщает во вторник "МИР24".

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Теория заговора ловцы душ как зарабатывают лжепсихологи

DokFilms (Документальные фильмы онлайн) 

тренинги личностного роста, бойкая реклама обещает каждому, кто их посетит, чудесные превращения. Элитный автомобиль, престижный коттедж, дорогая яхта, все это вы получите, если пройдёте тренинг. А вот ещё одна реклама, дорогая яхта, морские путешествия. Этот ролик рекламирует интенсивный тренинг, который всего лишь за 3 дня, по уверению организаторов, способен превратить любого лузера и доходягу в настоящего мачо, мужчину мечты.

Drunk fool gets a karma lesson. :D 

Some drunk idiot is yelling prophanity and insulting everyone he comes across with. He eventually sings the first line of the portuguese communist party anthem as he tries to kick a car passing by. Karma ensues.

«На чужом горе пытаются спекулировать»: Тулеев пожаловался Путину на «оппозиционные силы», разжигающие конфликт в Кемерове

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

На официальной встрече с Владимиром Путиным, губернатор Кемеровской области Аман Тулеев доложил президенту об «оппозиционных силах», разжигающих конфликт в Кемерово. 27 марта в городе начались массовые стихийные митинги, к зданию местной администрации вышли тысячи людей.

Linda Brown, centre of civil rights battle, dies aged 76 

Linda Brown, the US schoolgirl at the centre of a landmark civil rights ruling, has died aged 76. Sue to a "separate but equal" segregation policy, Linda was required to travel a significant distance to school. In 1950, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People asked the parents of several African-American children to try to enroll their children at local schools. Linda's father, Oliver, was among them. As expected Linda, who was in the third grade, was barred from... Читать дальше...

Traffic accident that killed a pregnant woman and seriously injured others 

A pregnant employee of the FSIN department for the Perm region died in a collision with a car that had flown into the oncoming lane, her husband and two-year-old child were in the hospital. The culprit of the accident, which was fixed by the camera of the registrar, got off with minor injuries. A tragic incident occurred last Monday, March 19, at the 130-kilometer route linking Perm and Yekaterinburg, when the family was heading to Bogdanovich, where the parents of the spouse live. Behind the wheel... Читать дальше...

Divanodesign Reviews 

Walked thru the ENTIRE showroom without so much as a hello or seeing a salesperson. She came out to apologize as I got back in my car. Not a good first impression. Cute stuff, but customer service makes or breaks your business. IF I go back, I will update my review.

Prankster Spoils His Magician Friend's Trick in Hilarious Fashion 

Chinese magician A Gan loves to show off his tricks while surrounded by ladies but not when his prankster buddy ‘Pokerface Man’ is around.In this , his friend invited himself to A Gan’s date and mercilessly revealed all the secrets to his magic tricks. Hopefully their friendship will last long after the prank. Credit: A Gan & Pokerface Man via Storyful

A good day's work in making Putin pay 

Kudos to Team Trump for expelling 60 Russian "diplomats" as Washington's part of a 21-nation response to Moscow's chemical attack on British soil. The US move, ousting 12 Russians posted at the United Nations and 48 from DC, came the same day Poland, Germany and France each expelled four diplomats while 13 other EU members kicked out another 21. Canada sent four packing, Albania two and Norway one, while Ukraine gave the heave-ho to 13 more. Washington is also shutting the Kremlin's consulate in Seattle. Читать дальше...

Stunning views of pink lake in Mexico's Yucatan 

A tourist captured on her camera this idyllic landscape covered by pink lakes on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico. The footage, captured in tiny Mexican fishing village called Las Coloradas, shows one of a series of brightly coloured pink lakes in the tip of the Yucatan's peninsula. Las Coloradas has been an important salt-producing area for centuries. The pink lakes owe their colour to the red-colored algae, plankton, and brine shrimp that thrive in the salty environment.

Angry elephant calf charges rescue team 

Indian forest officials rescued a two-month-old elephant calf that had slipped into a trench with the help of local villagers. The incident took place near Hosur in South India on March 26. The elephant herd was on the move in search of fodder when the calf slipped into a 5-feet deep trench that had been dug up for a pipeline. The adult elephants tried in vain to rescue the shrieking calf stuck in the narrow trench. Local residents alerted the Forest Department on hearing the cries of the elephants. Читать дальше...

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