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Новости за 30.04.2018

Feminist seeking equal rights.


So some dumb blonds, diesel dykes and man haters thought they had it to survive in the wild like Mr. Grylls.

'Mini Bruce Lee' perfectly imitates nunchuck scene from 'Way of the Dragon'


This eight-year-old Japanese boy perfectly imitates a nunchuck scene from action hero Bruce Lee's films. Video shows Ryusei Imai in his home in Nara on April 21 mimicking the intense scene from 1972 film "Way of the Dragon". Ryusei hardly misses a beat as the film plays in the background behind him. Ryusei's father says his pocket powerhouse "has been watching Bruce Lee movies since he was one and he started training to become like him when he was four". The young fighter has more than 30,000... Читать дальше...

Uke Curriculum Explains Away Genocide Collaboration with Nazi's


Uke University education's shifting sands on the horrific self genocide of the 1930's and the assisted genocide against Jews in the Great Patriotic War of the 1940's. There is a saying, often intoned by Hitler, to the effect, "Winner's write the history, loser's claim genocide." Consider the Ukes, the Jews, the Armenians, the Palestinian's, the North and South American Indians, Dresden, and the Spotted Owls. Do you agree with the Ukrainians re-writing their history 3 or 4 times in the last hundred Years? Читать дальше...

Passing Through A No Go Zone: Belgian Camera Crew Stoned by Muslims in Brussels


Belgian camera crew was pelted with rocks while covering a story on current affairs in a suburb of Brussels. The crew can be heard screaming as the youths hurl rocks at their vehicle. {{embed|t=kZE2g_1525104346}} A Belgian TV crew has reported being pelted with stones while recording footage for a current affairs program in a troubled suburb on the outskirts of Brussels. Reported: https://www.rt.com/news/425054-belgium-peterbos-anderlecht-stones-/ A cameraman from 'Terzake,' a daily Flemish... Читать дальше...

Ancient Roman Chest And More Found In Warwickshire


Oh boy I wonder whats inside! Sorry but I couldn't find an article on it, all I know is that it was found in what is believed to be a Roman fort named Lunt, 3 days ago in Bagington, Warwickshire, UK.

Центральное телевидение с Вадимом Такменевым. Выпуск 30.04.2018 НТВ


Центральное телевидение с Вадимом Такменевым 30.04.2018 последний выпуск. Россия наконец-то догонит и перегонит Америку по… торнадо и разрушительным ураганам? Почему это лето может стать самой странной погодной аномалией последних лет? И удастся ли хотя бы на майские праздники вырваться за город на шашлыки? Или такая поездка может оказаться опасной для жизни?

Шокирующие открытия ученых: за что авторитетные диетологи заклеймили почти всю вкусную пищу как нездоровую? И почему они при этом серьезно заблуждались? Читать дальше...

Все буде добре. Внешний вид и отношение окружающих 30.04.2018 СТБ


Шоу Все будет хорошо. Украина. В гостях Александр Педан 30.04.2018 последний выпуск. Сын Надежды Матвеевой стал экономить на еде. Делает это он для того, чтобы накопить деньги на фирменные солнцезащитные очки. Как оказалось тех, кто готов отказаться от предметов первой необходимости и влезть в долги ради покупки брендовой вещи, предостаточно. И сегодня мы попробуем выяснить, почему многим так важно производить впечатление богатого человека? В ходе эксперимента вы увидите, как на самом деле внешний... Читать дальше...

ТСН. Выпуск новостей 30.04.2018 канал 1 1


ТСН 30.04.2018 последний выпуск. Перекриті дороги і багатотисячна хода: у Єревані – знову масштабні демонстрації. Протестувальники напередодні заблокували центральні вулиці. Опозиційний мітинг очолив Нікол Пашинян, який сьогодні має зустрітися із лідерами парламентських фракцій. До того часу він закликає призупинити протести. Проте, сподівається стати наступним прем’єр-міністром. Посада вакантна після того, як у відставку пішов Серж Саргсян.

Азійці з обережністю сприйняли обіцянки про

Привет, Андрей 19 выпуск Свадьба Марии Ароновой 30.04.2018 Россия-1


Привет, Андрей 19 серия Свадьба Марии Ароновой 30.04.2018 последний выпуск. Недавно популярной актрисе театра и кино исполнилось 46 лет. Артистка вот уже 20 лет счастлива в гражданском браке с Евгением Фоминым. За время их отношений Мария родила дочь Серафиму, которой скоро будет 14, также у актрисы есть 23-летний сын Владислав от первого покойного мужа. Лучшим подарком артистке к этим датам стало замужество — отношения оформили официально. Отмечали в тесном кругу в ресторане, с близкими друзьями и семьей. Читать дальше...

Mob Of Juveniles Fight Police Officers


Morgan Hill, CA - Seven police officers were assaulted when a group of more than 200 teenagers became totally out of control at a school carnival on Friday (video below). Police said several people, including juveniles, displayed gang signs, shouted gang slogans, and were wearing gang clothing during the riot. Eight juveniles between the ages of 13 and 17 were arrested at the scene, KGO reported. The various teens faced charges of inciting a riot, trying to take a person from lawful custody, possession of a knife... Читать дальше...

Любовь Мерьем 11 серия 30.04.2018 1 1


Сериал-фильм Любовь Мерьем 11 серия 30.04.2018. Героиня приходит к сожженной пекарне, ее поглощают детские воспоминания. Она ночует у своего адвоката, не зная, что именно эта на первый взгляд приятная женщина

Crusades - Muslim Live Ammo


Story of a captured muslim fighter being loaded into a catapult and fired back

Journalists targeted in Kabul attack


Twin blasts in the Afghan capital Kabul killed at least 26 people on Monday, including nine journalists who had arrived to report on the first explosion and who were apparently targeted by a suicide bomber. The first bomber arrived on a motorcycle. Then, as journalists rushed to the scene, a second bomber detonated his device. ''Peaceful days are rare in the capital of Afghanistan,'' says Euronews' correspondent in Kabul, Massoud Imani. ''Today, two suicide bombers targeted a security institution... Читать дальше...

British interior ministry gets first Muslim head as Windrush scandal claims Rudd


British Home Secretary Amber Rudd has been forced to resign over her handling of the Windrush scandal. In her resignation letter Rudd admitted she had inadvertently misled a parliamentary committee last week by denying the government had targets for the deportation of illegal migrants. Leaked documents showed that to be wrong and Amber Rudd was set to appear before the House of Commons today for further questioning. The Windrush children were the sons and daughters of migrants from the Carribean... Читать дальше...

Farming, cooking, online entrepreneurship - you don't need arms to do that


Chen Zifang does the same things as other people. He just does them differently. Growing up in a rural area in Hubei Province, China, without arms, Chen has adapted his life to be able to manage a farm using only his feet. He uses the same tools as his neighbours to perform tasks like chopping firewood and collecting feed for the animals, but has had to teach himself a unique way of manipulating each one. "Life is always like this. When you are strong, all difficulties will be nothing. When you are weak... Читать дальше...

'They beat you everyday' - the migrants turning back from Libya


Since Libya's collapse, Niger has become a well-trodden route for migrants. Mainly from sub-Saharan and Western Africa, migrants pass through the Sahel country, and on through Libya, to get to the Mediterranean coast - seen as their ticket out. But now, many are doing U-turns after reporting hellish conditions in Libya. Euronews met some of them at a bus-station in Niamey, the capital of Niger. 'They beat you everyday' "My experience in Benghazi is very tough, I'm telling the truth, they got a lot of blacks from African countries... Читать дальше...

Non-stop bombardment on besieged civilians in North Homs


Non-stop aerial and ground bombardment on civilians in besieged Northern Homs contryside by Assad Regime and Russia The bombing on the village of Makramiyah, Rastan area. 29-04-2018. {{file|t=unWiF_1525098143}} Helicopter dropping off barrel bombs on Talbisah area. 30-04-2018. {{file|t=uKh9y_1525098128}} Helicopter dropping off barrel bombs on Rastan area. 29-04-2018. {{file|t=a2s43_1525098168}}

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