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Новости за 03.05.2023

Tank confirms how slow Ryan Garcia is!

Boxing News 24 

I warned many before the fight who were talking about Ryan’s handspeed as he likes to portray on Instagram thatTank was the quicker...

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Could Ryder be part of the Tibbs PED crew

Boxing News 24 

He's gone from an average domestic level boxer, granted he did give BJS a tough fight early in his career but aside from that stopped by Blackwell, beat by Arnfield and other British level...

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Avtandil Khurtsidze is out and making a comeback

Boxing News 24 

I read he was working out and teaching boxing while in jail. He obviously needs to fine tune his body for fighting but he looks pretty good considering he was away.

In a weak ish middleweight...

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Fixing Ryan Garcia

Boxing News 24 

inb4 nothing, he's not dedicated, he'll always be the problem etc
let's have a rational and thought-provoking discussion please.

A lot of people don't like the kid, understandable, but what are...

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