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Boxing News 24
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Новости за 14.05.2023

Tony Weeks should be investigated

Boxing News 24 

It was bad enough when this guy turned into a Policeman for Mayweather but what happened lastnite is an absolute disgrace. Not only was this an absolute criminal stoppage but also look at how...

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FURY Poll...

Boxing News 24 

- Great

- NOT an effen chance

- 'one' of the best in a Subpar Division

- No Giant like an LL or a Big Klit...

Romero & Barroso on May 13th, 2023:

Boxing News 24 


i admit, i wanted Rolando to win, and expected him to win... but NOT like that. No doubt the worst stoppage i've ever seen by a referee! Barroso was way ahead on official and...

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Akhmedov versus Sims 5/13/2023

Boxing News 24 

THE NUMBERS prove Batyr Akhmedov won! What fight were the judegs watching? Once again, "current events" and "politics" are influencing boxing judges!

(i can't get into details, because forum...

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Is Fury a letdown to the heavyweight division?

Boxing News 24 

I don't think I've seen anyone who is head of a division that actively avoids fighting all of the other top competition. The Ruiz deal fell through due to Furys obsessive money demands, he seems...

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Haven brady

Boxing News 24 

What's the action on the haven brady fight? I can't seem to find it in any of the play by plays

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