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Новости за 16.05.2023

Any word on the Josh Franco Kazuto Ioka rematch

Boxing News 24 

Last I heard it was going to happen in Tokyo on the 24th of June. Haven't heard anything more since. I'm keen to know because I'll be in Tokyo on that date and I'm trying to go.

Tyson’s “classics” tournament

Boxing News 24 

I guess Tysons planned “ classics” tournament thing never caught on, or never regenerated enough sales, because it never went anywhere after the Roy Jones “fight”

I remember years ago, Tyson...

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Adam Azim: Rolly is a easy win for me right now

Boxing News 24 

Adam Azim (20yrs old) said in an interview today Rolly is light work for him even right now lol ..

These guys at 140lbs Adam is coming for all of them.. Bad intentions...

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After Fury decimates Usyk

Boxing News 24 

What will you say

"Only Tyson Fury can do that"

"The Best of an Era"

"The Greatest Of All Times"

216 days away.

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