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Новости за 07.01.2023

Wet Your Whistle Or Keep It Dry With WhistlePig’s Orange Old Fashioned


Are you drinking your Old Fashioneds this month dry or wet or maybe drinking a little bit of both No matter how you plan to drink this January, whether you’re planning to abstain with alcohol during Dry January or not, WhistlePig’s got you covered with its Dry Orange Fashioned and Wet Orange Fash...

NASA Rover Discovers Gemstone On Mars


A research team using new methods to analyze data from NASA's Mars rover was able to verify that fractures contained opal, on Earth a gemstone formed by the alteration of silicon-dioxide by water.

The Wine Harvest 2022 Across Europe: Winemakers Say It Is Excellent


2022 will certainly get a mention in the history books as a very unusual year for wine producers in Europe with its extraordinary hot and dry weather. But the wines will be excellent, according to the winemakers that we have spoken to. Watch what they say on our videos.

‘Destiny 2’ Needs To Have Seasonal Roadmaps Again


While I understand that the Destiny 2 community wanted to have a bit more kept under wraps, I’m not sure anyone took that to mean “we never wanted to have a seasonal roadmap again.”

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