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Новости за 21.01.2023

Netflix’s ‘That ‘90s Show’ Is Surprisingly Worth Your Time


I have been deeply skeptical of Netflix’s comedic ambitions ever since I watched the first five minutes of Blockbuster, which I fear have scarred me for life. I had similar trepidations about That ‘90s Show, which on the surface, felt like an ill-conceived cash-in

Hybrid Work Policies: The Future Of The Modern Workplace


Hybrid work policies benefit companies by increasing employee engagement, productivity, retention, and diversity, but must be communicated clearly to employees. Failing to do so can harm employee retention & engagement.

The One ‘Destiny 2’ Weapon You Should Farm For Lightfall


While there are plenty of sandbox changes still to be announced as Destiny 2 readies its next expansion, Lightfall, the recent revelation about how armor and buildcrafting are changing has given us a way forward in some areas all the same.

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