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Новости за 12.01.2023

Move Over TikTok, Make Way For Gaming


Gaming gives luxury brands an untapped channel to court a new—and powerful—community of consumers who are living at the intersection of the digital and physical universe.

Is Crypto Provoking A Banking Civil War?


The Federal Government and the individual states are not aligned in their views regarding the use of cannabis, and it appears that the thinking regarding cryptocurrency is following a similar path.

Portfolio Change: Two Stocks To Sell, January 12


KN lost approximately 6% in seven months on the Master Buy List. This falls short of the performance of the S&P 500, which is up about 1% over the same span. Our initial rationale for recommending KN was the fact that even without having the right mix of components to fully meet the increasing [...]

The Changing Landscape Of San Francisco’s Culinary Scene


A big part of San Francisco’s appeal is its renowned culinary landscape. The city’s diverse food scene is woven into the region’s history and traditions, making the Bay Area one of the top dining destinations in the U.S.

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