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Новости за 01.02.2023

Do You Have The Emotional Intelligence To Lead A Team?


An emotionally intelligent person not only knows how to manage their emotions, but also knows how their emotions affect others and therefore acts accordingly in a social setting. Here are five ways emotional intelligence can make you a better leader.

Why Are Stocks On A Roll? It’s The Liquidity, Stupid


While Wall Street, and Twitter’s legion of Wall Street wannabes, are busy predicting when the Federal Reserve will call it quits on rate hikes, the real pivot in monetary policy might have slipped right under their noses.

Ted Lasso: Leadership Lessons Take 2


The Ted Lasso series depicts community – among the team, the organization, and the fans themselves. What unites each is a commitment to one another and a greater goal of doing their best. They embody Ted's mantra, "Believe," symbolized by the hand-painted sign posted in the locker room.

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