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Новости за 08.02.2023

Stocks To Buy For 2023 Report


These recommendations offer one of the surest, safest ways to escape the current inflation crisis with your nest egg intact and growing rapidly as we approach more uncertainties in the year ahead.

Taking A Page From Inclusive Capitalism, The U.S. Gig Economy Is Here To Stay


The Gig Economy encompasses some 36% of the U.S. workforce and continues to grow. No longer the province of Uber drivers, delivery folks, laborers or musicians, highly paid freelancers are in it to stay. A new study looks at the motives for choosing independence, despite some of the negatives.

15-Minute-City Conspiracy Theories Insane Says 15-Minute-City Creator


Instead of being designed for cars, cities “should be designed so that within the distance of a 15-minute walk or bike ride, people should be able to access work, housing, food, health, education, culture, and leisure,” says Carlos Moreno, now the subject of online hate.

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