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Новости за 27.02.2023

Inception: Social Media’s Influence On Your Opinion


Our digital interactions on social media platforms can sometimes be so immersive that it’s hard for us to differentiate a conscious thought from an unconscious inception; and that inhibits our ability to pinpoint the source of our opinions.

A Growing Trend - Bathroom Wet Rooms


It is becoming increasingly popular to have a freestanding bathtub and shower in a glass enclosed area that is apart from the sink and toilet in the bathroom in a separate enclosure.

Sarina Wiegman: The First-Ever To Win The Best FIFA Award Three Times


England head coach Sarina Wiegman has tonight become the first coach of either gender, to win The Best FIFA Award on three separate occasions, a record she previously shared with Liverpool manager Jürgen Klopp, the winner in successive years in 2019 and 2020.

Tax Refund Dollars Still Down As Tax Season Approaches Midpoint


We’re almost halfway through the tax season. So what do we know about tax season so far? The data from the IRS continues to indicate that taxpayers are getting their returns in and processed more quickly than they did last year.

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