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Новости за 15.03.2024

Social media users react to House Speaker Johnson blaming grocery prices on Biden


LOUISIANA (KTAL/KMSS)—Speaker of the House Mike Johnson took to social media to blame inflation on President Joe Biden's "out-of-control spending," and the public responded. His post was attached to a Wall Street Journal article explaining how economists predicted a 3.2% consumer price index (CPI), which measures the change in prices paid by all consumers for [...]

Interactive maps: How Irish is Louisiana?


30.7 million U.S. residents, slightly more than 9%, claim to be at least partially Irish, Census data shows. It's a bit lower in Louisiana, with 6.3% of residents, or 288,803, reporting Irish ancestry.

Opelousas man arrested in connection with 2021 shooting


Keith Biagase II, 22, of Opelousas is charged with two counts of attempted second degree murder and one count each of illegal use of weapons and dangerous instrumentalities and illegal carrying of a weapon.

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