
Новости за 29.03.2018

Europe's largest wooden building at risk of collapse 

The Prinkipo Greek Orphanage is the largest wooden construction in Europe and the second largest in the world. Located in B"uy"ukada, one of the nine Princes' Islands off the coast of Istanbul, it was built in 1898. The building housed an orphanage for over 60 years, from 1903 to 1964. Damaged by a fire in 1980 and exposed to adverse weather conditions it has fallen into a state of decay, prompting cultural heritage organisation Europa Nostra to submit it to the list of the "Seven most endangered buildings in Europe". Читать дальше...

Переполненная камера, тараканы и соседи из криминального мира: как Малобродского разместили в СИЗО «Медведково»

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Бывшего генерального продюсера «Седьмой студии» Алексея Малобродского перевели из СИЗО «Матросская тишина» в СИЗО № 4 «Медведково». Как рассказала Дождю его адвокат Ксения Карпинская, Малобродского поместили в восьмиместную камеру, в которой живут 12 человек. Причем вместе с Малобродским сидят обвиняемые по статье, связанной с реализацией наркотиков. Кроме того, его сокамерники курят. Малобродского обвиняют в мошенничестве в особо крупных размерах. Он — единственный из фигурантов дела, находящийся под арестом в СИЗО. Читать дальше...

Камера без туалета, тараканы и соседи из криминального мира: как Малобродского разместили в СИЗО «Медведково»

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Бывшего генерального продюсера «Седьмой студии» Алексея Малобродского перевели из СИЗО «Матросская тишина» в СИЗО № 4 «Медведково». Как рассказала Дождю его адвокат Ксения Карпинская, Малобродского поместили в восьмиместную камеру, в которой живут 12 человек. Причем вместе с Малобродским сидят обвиняемые по статье, связанной с реализацией наркотиков. Кроме того, его сокамерники курят. Малобродского обвиняют в мошенничестве в особо крупных размерах. Он — единственный из фигурантов дела, находящийся под арестом в СИЗО. Читать дальше...

MAGA PRIME: US Jobless Claims Lowest since 1973...Trump has accomplished more for Americans in 1 year than all the rest in 45. 

Jobless claims drop to lowest level since 1973 By Sylvan Lane - 03/29/18 09:11 AM EDT 82 6 Jobless claims drop to lowest level since 1973 (c) Getty Images U.S jobless claims dropped to 215,000 last week, the lowest level since 1973, the Labor Department revealed Thursday. In the week ending March 24, the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits dropped from by 12,000 from 227,000 as adjusted for seasonal labor market changes. Unemployment claims during the week ending March 17 were revised down 2,000 to 227,000. Читать дальше...

Male lion jumps into open safari truck full of students in South Africa 

A lion gave students a fright after it jumped into their safari truck in South Africa. Video shows the male white lion, called Zeus, milling around the truck before leaping into the cab in the town of Bela Bela, about 400 kilometres (250 miles) West of Kruger National Park. The startled students are told to "relax" and ordered to climb out of the truck as Zeus roams around the cab freely. According to the filmer, Zeus and the other lions in the video were raised by humans as cubs before being given to the reserve in Limpopo province. Читать дальше...

Duisburg: Rival groups in mass brawl 

Street battle between 60 men armed with machetes and metal pipes forcing a state of emergency to be declared in Duisburg. Police were called to the Altmarkt area of the city over of the mass bawl. Officers used CS gas to control the brawling men. A police official said "There are three rival groups. It may be a conflict between Turks, Lebanese and Kurds.

«В парламенте звучали фамилии Шувалова, Усманова, Дерипаски»: как и откуда Лондон хочет извлекать «грязные деньги» россиян

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Финансовый комитет Палаты общин парламента Великобритании начал расследование экономических преступлений, в том числе об отмывании денег. Программа получила название «Российская коррупция в Британии». Илья Шуманов, заместитель генерального директора Transparency International, рассказал о том, к чему приведет исследование российской коррупции в Британии.

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«Впервые вошли в контакт с веществом на пороге дома»: новые детали в деле об отравлении Скрипалей

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Британская полиция обнародовала новые подробности об отравлении бывшего офицера ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочери. При этом Национальное агентство по борьбе с преступлениями и полиция предупреждают, что расследование может тянуться несколько месяцев. Яна Литвинова, корреспондент «Русской службы Би-Би-Си» рассказала о новых деталях, которые стали гласными.

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Remington Firearms Files For Bankruptcy 

With nearly $1 billion in debt and credit agencies warning that their capital structure is "unsustainable", firearms and ammunition manufacturing giant Remington is looking for financing to fund business operations during bankruptcy proceedings. An exclusive also states that Remington's sales dropped 27% in the first nine months of 2017 resulting in a $28M operating loss. Remington Outdoor Company Inc, one of the largest U.S. makers of firearms, has reached out to banks and credit investment funds... Читать дальше...

A Disney Princess Should Have an Abortion 

We have plenty of information available to young girls about how and why they should have abortions. It is empowering. It is heroic. It means that you have no responsibility, no man controls you, and you can pursue your true dreams of working in a bank. But despite this, we have too few children's entertainment programs which encourage little girls to have abortions. They get taught in school that they should, but that is never reinforced by the likes of Disney.

Italian police arrest five Tunisians in "vast anti-terror operation" 

Italian police on Thursday arrested five Tunisians as part of what they said was a major operation against suspected supporters of Islamist terrorism in central and southern Italy. The swoop is the latest in a series of similar raids this month, coming as Italy steps up the number of foreigners it expels on grounds of national security. On Wednesday anti-terrorism police arrested an Italian citizen of Moroccan origin who they said was a so-called Islamic State sympathizer planning a truck attack. Читать дальше...

UK prime minister on tour of Brexit-divided Britain 

British Prime Minister Theresa May has promised a bright future for the UK as she tours the country 12 months to the day before Britain leaves the European Union. In the 21 months since the Brexit referendum, May, has struggled to unite the British people behind a single vision. But she believes leaving the EU will re-unite the country. "Brexit provides us with opportunities," she says. "I want to see us coming together, the four nations across the United Kingdom. We have a very strong Union... Читать дальше...

The Day Liberty Died 

take the word of American sailors that watched their friends die or some well crafted campaign designed to cover-up a mass murder? the video is about the israeli attack on the USS Liberty near Sinai Peninsula in order for the USA to start a war with Egypt (false flag attack) {{embed|t=sprA5_1522328426}}

This Dog Looks Like A Real Life Teddy Bear 

Many people become very attached to a teddy bear at some point in their lives. But what if this teddy bear could come alive? With this adorable dog, it really seems like exactly this has happened! Credit: Sa Hong Lim via Storyful

Hoaxology: Man in Fedora and Plaid Suit Says No Evidence in Skripal Case 

George Galloway is not really the sort of person you can take seriously anymore, as he basically is a full-on Russian shill who doesn't even try to be subtle about it. And actually, he isn't that good at it (if he was good at it, he would be more subtle). Even worse than being a shameless Russian shill is wearing a fedora and a plaid suit. Because why. Nonetheless, he does make some good points sometimes. It's so nutty that there literally is no evidence at all, other than "it's a Russian chemical." And obviously... Читать дальше...

Man dies in assault attempt at fuel station in S~ao Luis do Curu, Cear'a 

A man died in an attempted robbery at a gas station on the outskirts of the city of S~ao Luis do Curu, northern region of Cear'a. The crime occurred on Monday (26) and was filmed by security cameras. The victim is Kayrol Bruno, 36, the fuel station manager. He was shot while trying to stop the robbery, and go into a body fight with one of the criminals. The suspects arrived on a motorcycle and announced the assault. In the images, it is possible to see that one of the criminals tries to act against an employee of the post... Читать дальше...

Thousands of French March Through Paris to Mourn the Murder of Holohoax Survivor 

Frankly, this makes me sick. Actual French people are constantly attacked and killed in Paris by Moslem invaders, but apparently it takes the death of an innocent Christ-killer to mobilize the citizens into action. And not just any Christ-killer, either, but one who survived the fictional event used to blackmail Europeans into accepting refugees in the first place. Sure, it's possible - even probable - that a lot of these mourners are Jews themselves, but most of them look French to me: Where... Читать дальше...

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