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Новости за 29.03.2018



New express train service that will eventually link Miami to Orlando.

Microsoft is Now Reading Your Private Files to Ban You From Their Services


Microsoft is apparently now demanding the right to dig through your personal files to determine if you are guilty of wrongthink. If you are guilty of wrongthink, they will make it so you can no longer use whatever software was with that wrongthink. In the case of their XBox services, this may include stopping you from playing any games. Tech companies need to be regulated. They shouldn't have the right to not only stop you from posting publicly, but also stop anything you may do privately. The... Читать дальше...

«Рад, что 27 стран решили не слушать российскую ерунду»: Борис Джонсон сравнил дело Скрипаля с началом «Преступления и наказания»

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Глава МИД Великобритании Борис Джонсон сравнил дело Скрипаля с началом романа «Преступление и наказание»: «Мы все уверены по поводу виновного, и вопрос только в том, признается он, или его поймают». Накануне министр иностранных дел выступил на пасхальном банкете мэра Лондона. Он произнес речь, в которой призвал западные страны вместе противостоять угрозам. Одной из таких угроз он назвал Россию, которую ранее Великобритания обвинила в отравлении Сергея и Юлия Скрипалей в Солсбери.

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Zuckerberg is Getting Zucced


The man who made billions by stealing and then selling everyone's private information is now being looked into and will be forced to give up all of his information. This will inevitably lead to government regulation of social media and data mining. When that happens, they will be forced to stop infringing on people's First Amendment rights. When that happens and we can operate without getting shut down in the new public square we will be able to spread our message faster than the fire can rise.

«Атаки с целью диверсий»: чем грозит нападение вируса на компанию Boeing и может ли это привести к авиакатастрофам

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

На компанию «Боинг» была совершена кибератака. Речь идет о некоем вирусе под названием «WannaCry», который обнаружили внутри корпорации. Об этом сообщает издание «New York Times» со ссылкой на корпоративную переписку. Последствия у этого взлома могут быть достаточно серьезные. Анастасия Баринова, специалист лаборатории компьютерной криминалистики и исследования вредоносного кода Group IB, рассказала о том, чем это может грозить пассажирам самолетов. 

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German Childbirths Rise Due to Mass Migration


http://bit.ly/2GmCcAo | The number of childbirths in Germany has declined for years but a recent has shown a rebound as migrant women accounted for almost one in four mothers in the country in 2016. The German statistics office Destatis has now admitted that the 7 per cent rise in the number of childbirths is largely due to mass migration as the country saw 792,000 births that year, Le Parisien . "German mothers gave birth to 607,500 children, 3 per cent more than in 2015 [...] mothers of foreign nationalities gave birth to 184,660 children... Читать дальше...

The Heaven's Gate Cult (1997)


I recently watched some of the old videos and they're a strange mix of being unintentionally funny, creepy and sad. How people could follow this obvious loony and commit suicide is beyond me. None the less kind of interesting, so I thought you might enjoy it. ;) Some background info: Heaven's Gate was an American UFO religious millenarian cult based in San Diego, California, founded in 1974 and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931-1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1927-1985). On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group... Читать дальше...

Московских пенсионеров научат моделировать одежду

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Учиться - никогда не поздно. Даже на пенсии. Участницы проекта "Активное долголетие" говорят - особенно на пенсии, когда много свободного времени. Под руководством профессионалов можно даже научиться конструировать и моделировать одежду, передает "ТВ Центр".

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OOPS: Dental Office Has Been Accidentally Giving People AIDS for Three Years


Due to poor sterilization methods, there is a chance that if you went to the dentist in Galveston County, Texas any time since 2015 - you have HIV or hepatitis. These guys have been giving people AIDS for three years (undoubtedly the fault of women and/or browns working there, not to mention the homosexuals who get the diseases in the first place) and have only just been found out. If you went to these clinics, get tested. It's not even specifically dentistry that's a problem, it's any kind of medical problem you need fixed. Читать дальше...

Every Dog Has Its Day


Lucky day for a stray dog trapped in rubble in a warzone.

'Don't stop stroking me!' Cat keen for owner's attention


A cat touched its owner to attract his attention in a city near Beijing. In the clip, filmed in Tianjin City on March 17, the cat touches its owner with its paw while the owner plays on his phone. After the owner pets the cat's head, he goes back to his phone - only for the cat to paw him again.

«Люди негодуют, что придется ждать»: почему родственников пропавших без вести в Кемерове не признают потерпевшими. Прямое включение Владимира Роменского

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Сотрудники МЧС установили очаг возгорания в кемеровском торговом центре. По предварительным результатам, пожар начался в скрытой полости между третьим и четвертым этажами, а между этажами проходил силовой кабель. 29 марта житель Кемерова Игорь Востриков, который потерял при пожаре в торговом центре всю семью, записал видеообращение. В нем он рассказал о том, как развивались события рядом с кинотеатром в тот трагический день. Корреспондент Дождя Владимир Роменский, который находится в Кемерове, рассказал об обстановке в городе. Читать дальше...

Russia confirms military flight exercise between North Pole and North America


The Russian defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, addressed senior military commanders in Moscow where he said the exercise involved anti-submarine aircraft. He did not confirm when it took place. "For the first time since Soviet times anti-submarine aircraft flights have been carried out via the North Pole towards the North American continent," he said. "The construction of unique self-sufficient military villages is being completed, which were built with the latest technology on the islands of... Читать дальше...

Australia cricket captain says he's to blame for cheating scandal


Steve Smith says he's to blame for the ball tampering scandal that's rocked Australian cricket. The former team captain was speaking on his return to Sydney to start a one year ban from test matches. "There was a failure of leadership... of my leadership," he said. "I'll do everything I can to make up for my mistake and the damage it's caused." Vice captain Dave Warner and bowler Cameron Bancroft have also been sent home. The remainder of the team are in Johannesburg preparing for the fourth test which starts on Friday.

Israeli soldiers try to arrest 3-year-old Palestinian boy


Israeli occupation soldiers attempted to arrested a 3 years old Palestinian child for allegedly trying to stab Israeli soldiers by a kitchen tool, while he was playing in front of his al-Khalil home in the occupied West Bank. The soldiers were forced to let the child go when a Palestinian man, said to be the boy's father, interfered, along with the child's older brother, and wrestled him from their grip.

Суд приговорил Шакро Молодого к 9 годам 10 месяцам колонии

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Никулинский суд Москвы приговорил криминального авторитета Захария Калашова, более известного как Шакро Молодой, к 9 годам 10 месяцам колонии строгого режима, сообщает ТАСС.

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Fire Engine


Emergency at an intersection

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