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Новости за 29.03.2018

«Алексей действительно мой товарищ»: Силуанов о том, почему ему не хочется верить в виновность Улюкаева

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В программе Hard Day’s Night министр финансов Антон Силуанов рассказал о своем отношении к экс-министру экономики Алексею Улюкаеву, которого посадили на восемь лет в колонию строгого режима по обвинению в получении взятки в два млн долларов от главы «Роснефти» Игоря Сечина, и о своем отношении к самому Игорю Сечину.

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«Алексей, действительно, мой товарищ»: Силуанов о том, почему ему не хочется верить в виновность Улюкаева

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В программе Hard Day’s Night министр финансов Антон Силуанов рассказал о своем отношении к экс-министру экономики Алексею Улюкаеву, которого посадили на восемь лет в колонию строгого режима по обвинению в получении взятки в два млн долларов от главы «Роснефти» Игоря Сечина, и о своем отношении к самому Игорю Сечину.

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«А сколько должен получать министр?» Силуанов о своей зарплате в 1 730 000 рублей в месяц

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В конце 2017 года Минфин впервые раскрыл данные о зарплатах министров. В 2016 году министр финансов Антон Силуанов получал в 1,73 млн рублей в месяц — это самая большая зарплата среди всех министров правительства. На втором месте по уровню зарплаты был министр экономического развития, который получал 1,27 млн рублей. В эфире программы Hard Day’s Night ведущие спросили министра финансов, насколько обоснована такая большая заработная плата.

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Dirtiest Song of the 1970s


This video is a testament to how far we've come in fighting censorship. The need to bury adult themes under stupid puns and euphemisms has mercifully gone the way of disco, stag reels and Oldsmobile. This was filmed in a lounge in Vegas with Redd Foxx as the MC........(at the time, Foxx had the reputation of being the "bluest" comedian on the Strip). But, even so, comedy acts had to be careful because if they went too far with explicit material, the Evangelicals could easily have them fired and "black-listed".

An example of how corrupt Turkish media/propaganda work


Lets see how turkish media modify what a Kurdish citizen of Afrin say depending of their own interests to manipulate even their own (turkish) citizens. While the citizen talk about looting and case of FSA and Turks , the translator describe the culprit as YPG.

Inside the hectic world of a quintuplet mum who gets through 60 nappies, 40 bottles and 20 outfits changes a day as the five babies turn one


By Lauren Fruen THE mum of a set of quintuplets has described the hectic lifestyle having five babies brings to her home as the little ones turn one. Briana Turner and hubby Jordan spent two years trying to fall pregnant until they found out they were expecting not one but FIVE babies. Jordan said he [...] Credit: CatersNews

My husband's now my wife! Transgender navy veteran trapped in wrong body for over four decades transitions after wife mistakes mystery female clothing


By Josh Saunders A transgender US Navy Veteran trapped in the wrong body for over four decades transitions from husband to wife after partner mistakes mystery female clothing for an affair. Christyna Appleton, 45, from Danielson, Connecticut, USA, felt from the age of six that she should have been born a girl but spent nearly [...] Credit: CatersNews

Dashcam captures nighttime horror smash on motorway


By Sophie Norris A motorist's dashcam captured a heart-stopping nighttime motorway crash as a driver twice swerved across three lanes and slammed into a barrier at high speed. Colin Boyce was travelling along the M62 near Birchwood, Lancs, in the early hours of Sunday morning when a maroon Nissan Almera began to drift in front [...] Credit: CatersNews

Amazing artist breathes new life into old, unwanted thrift store art by painting pop culture figures of the 21st Century into the discarded canvases


By Luke Kenton This amazing artist gives old, unwanted thrift store art a new lease of life, by painting amusing 21st Century pop culture figures into the scenery of discarded canvases. With an affinity for all things pop culture, New York-based artist Dave Pollock dedicates his time to transforming unloved works of art into modernised [...] Credit: CatersNews

«Вокруг границ нас обложили военными базами»: Антон Силуанов о военных расходах, налоговой реформе и зарплате в 1,73 млн рублей в месяц

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В гостях в программе Hard Day’s Night — министр финансов Антон Силуанов. Говорили о том, почему, по его мнению, в трагедии в Кемерове не виноваты региональные власти, а ответственность несут бизнесмены, которые не соблюдали законодательство и нормы безопасности, также министр объяснил, почему оправданы растущие расходы на оборону и армию, и откуда мы возьмем деньги, чтобы обеспечить социальные расходы. Помимо этого, обсудили зарплату главы Минфина, которая составляет 1 730 000 рублей в месяц, и поговорили о том... Читать дальше...

BMW overtakes learner driver on wrong side of UK roundabout


This is the moment a BMW overtakes a learner driver by going the wrong way around a roundabout in the UK city of Leicester. Dash-cam footage filmed on March 27 shows the white car tailing the learner heading into an empty roundabout. When the learner enters the roundabout, the BMW veers off to the left and goes around the roundabout in the completely wrong direction. The filmer, a driving instructor, said he was shocked by the driver's actions. He said: "As we reach the roundabout, he looks right... Читать дальше...

Catholics march streets lashing and lacerating themselves in bloody self-flagellation easter ritual


By Nelson Groom Filipino Catholics have marched the streets whipping themselves and lacerating their backs with razorblades in a bloody Easter ritual to atone for their sins. Gruesome footage from the otherwise peaceful town of Pakil, in Laguna province, show masked religious devotees performing the acts of self-inflicted pain to mark the Holy Week. The [...] Credit: CatersNews

Amazing 77-year-old ballerina still on her toes and teaching ballet classes


By Charlotte Nisbet This amazing 77-year-old ballerina is still on her toes and practicing ballet six days per week. Suzelle Poole, originally from Chelsea, London, first started ballet dancing when she was seven years old and hasn't stopped since. As young as 10 years old, Suzelle experienced her first professional ballet performance and later featured [...] Credit: CatersNews

Pakistani teenager has 5.5 stone tumour removed from hip in a four-hour surgery


By Bilal Kuchay Doctors in Pakistan have removed a massive tumour from a teenager's hip - after it grew to more than five stones. The tumour which had left Muhammad Essa Pallari, 18, from Nooriabad in Karachi, Pakistan, completely bedridden was removed by a team of four surgeons in a four-hour long surgery in Karachi's [...] Credit: CatersNews

Mum-of-two's second pregnancy sparked extreme 'bubble wrap' skin condition


By Alex Matthews A mum-of-two has been left with a face 'strange bubble wrap' - after the birth of her second child trigger the growth of thousands of tumours. Charmaine Sahadeo, 38, suffers from an extreme case of neurofibromatosis, causing painful lumps and growths to appear all over her body. She claims to have 'thousands' [...] Credit: CatersNews

Duck in boots - Mandarin gets new prosthetic feet after predator attack


By Janet Tappin Coelho in Brazil A mandarin duck that had both feet severed in an attack by predators while swimming in a lake in Brazil, is waddling around again after being fitted with replacement prostheses - that resemble tiny boots. The injured bird's missing feet were restored in a unique 40-minute operation by a [...] Credit: CatersNews

«Нереальная и невозможная ситуация»: как цены на нефтепродукты выходят на исторический максимум, и что будет со стоимостью бензина

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

Цены на бензин растут. Речь об оптовых расценках на Санкт-Петербургской международной товарно-сырьевой бирже, где они почти достигли рекордов 2012 года. С начала марта стоимость 92 бензина выросла там почти на 8%, 95 — больше, чем на 9%. Илья Мороз, председатель правления совета по товарным рынкам, рассказал, каковы главные причины роста цен.

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South African baby elephant can't get out of mud hole


This amazing footage shows how a baby elephant struggled to get out of a mud hole at a reserve in South Africa. In the video, filmed at Kruger National Park on February 17, the baby elephant tries to get up out of the mud hole but repeatedly slides back down again. In the end, the baby elephant is the only one left in the mud hole as all his bigger friends get out. "Come on! Come on!" urges one onlooker, encouraging the baby elephant. At this point, an adult wraps its trunk around the baby and helps it out of the hole. Читать дальше...

В Волоколамске рассказали о превышении нормы сероводорода в 87,5 раз на фоне слухов о новой смерти

Телеканал «ДОЖДЬ» 

В Волоколамске на мусорном полигоне «Ядрово» снова произошел выброс сероводорода. Допустимая концентрация свалочного газа превысила норму в 12 раз, сообщил исполняющий обязанности главы Волоколамского района Андрей Вихарев. МЧС превышения содержания вредных веществ в воздухе не зафиксировало. Артём Любимов, активист, организатор митингов против полигона «Ядрово», рассказал о ситуации в городе.

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