
Новости за 24.02.2023

Rising Consumer Credit Could Pose Risks In Slowing Economy 

A strong labor market currently provides households with lots of jobs and rising wages that make it easier to pay off their debt, even as households are borrowing more money, especially on credit cards. But, that could quickly change.

Love Both Mezcal And Tequila? This Strong Cocktail Is For You 

This cocktail was inspired by a recent trip to Mexico City and is comprised of five spirits and a dash of bitters. It is served chilled in a coupe or martini glass, and is best enjoyed by sipping slowly and letting all the flavors present themselves.

The Pinocchio Of Pot 

Josh Kesselman built Raw rolling papers into a $200 million brand but along the way he’s been deceitful about where and how his products are made, and also told little green lies about a non-existent charitable foundation. Inside the cannabis industry's strangest smoke and mirrors show.

ESA Biomass Satellite Set To Map Earth’s Essential Old Growth Forests 

The European Space Agency (ESA) is putting the final touches on an innovative new Earth Explorer satellite that will provide the best maps and measurements of our planet’s remaining old growth forests. Carbon sequestration by forests remains one of our best natural defenses against climate change.

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