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Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 08.10.2017

Re: Birmingham mail????

Small Heath Alliance 

No we are supposed to be a major European city, sure Munich , Turin and Lyon don't have pics of mailman retiring after twenty years and half a dozen of his customers doing an amateur tiller girls line up.
Bloody pathetic! Have they even got a world news page?

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Re: SHA’s Favourite Lager

Small Heath Alliance 

The Penguin
I like lager but they all taste pretty much the same. Some are slightly better than others but the differences are small compared to the real ale world.

So what is the best or your favourite lager from the the readily available ones in pubs?

For me it’s a toss up between Kronenbourg and Peroni only because they taste of something, and don’t taste of chemicals

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Re: SHA's Favourite Squash

Small Heath Alliance 

In fairness Vimto is delicious even though its about a million calories a can

Re: SHA’s Favourite Lager

Small Heath Alliance 


Dr Tam, Genius Zillionaire and Fantasist

But not as bad as Carling

Aye up Pete! Just bought an USA hardtail HH Strat today - collection's grown a bit since I saw you! Hope you're OK - will be in Pickering first Sat in December, but probably won't be in the Horseshoe! :D
Hello Bud ! As it happens the other band is playing at the Lettered Board 02/12 !
Hey Pete. Ooh, I don't know - it's slightly further... Читать дальше...

Re: SHA's Favourite Spirit(s) and Brand

Small Heath Alliance 

Don't get why people pay for premium spirits like Grey Goose and then fill it up with Coke/Lemonade/Orange.
I usually drink whisk(e)y with either ice or water.
If I have to drink anything other than that, its Bacardi with a dash of coke or lime.

Re: SHA's Favourite Squash

Small Heath Alliance 

Vimto is massive in Saudi Arabia, especially around Ramadan time.

some insight here [www.google.de]

Re: SHA's Favourite Squash

Small Heath Alliance 

Boring I know, but gave it up some years ago because it's chemical cr*p.

In case anyone's interested, I did it by buying a water filter jug and keeping that in the fridge. Cold, filtered water tastes quite different to tap water and by doing this I developed a liking for the taste of it and weened myself off the cr*p.


Re: Blues most Iconic game

Small Heath Alliance 

My bro always talks about this game! For some reason Brentford didn't have big following at griffin park but blues had huge turnout.
I remember listening to Tom Ross commentary! He was in raptures!

Re: SHA’s Favourite Lager

Small Heath Alliance 

I'm with you here voodZ Carling is most definitely the correct answer (tu) sublime, and not the most popular beer in the country for no reason. Delicious.

The fancy ones that cost £5 a pop (peroni, moretti, etc) are pisswater.

Oh, and I would happily drink Carlsberg every day for the rest of my life if it meant never having to drink a pint of Fosters. Not that Carlsberg is nice, but Fosters fecking horrific.

Re: Blues most Iconic game

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes think Ben I pushed it in, I remember it well.
Iconic for me though has to be any win over villa!
I can hardly split them as I love them all so much,
I suppose it has to be the 3.0 in September 2001 though,

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Re: SHA's Favourite Squash

Small Heath Alliance 

There was that weird orange cordial they used to give you at kid's clinics, came in a bottle that looked like it was for medicine.

Re: Blues most Iconic game

Small Heath Alliance 

We won 4-2 at their place that season and were promoted so yes, iconic Blues.

Re: Blues most Iconic game

Small Heath Alliance 

The game against Swindon sums us up nicely. 4-1 up with half an hour to go and lost 6-4 - at home.

Re: SHA's Favourite Squash

Small Heath Alliance 

I used to love Treetops orange when i was kid. There was a brand called "Quosh" as well. Robinson's summer fruits these days.

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