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Новости за 31.05.2023

Inside Luton’s other big team as town’s Vauxhall plant chalks up 1.5million Vivaro-based vans


LUTON is party central this week.

Hatters promoted to the Premier League, Vauxhall factory chalks up 1.5 MILLION Vivaro-based vans.

HandoutLuton’s Vauxhall factory has chalked up 1.5 MILLION Vivaro-based vans[/caption] HandoutThe factory is on for a record 100,000 this year[/caption]

The current build rate is one every 141 seconds – about the time it takes to boil a kettle for a brew – or 507 a day.

They’re on for a record 100,000 this year and it sounds like 2024 will be even busier. Читать дальше...

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